North Carolina Garden June 12, 2018


Some of the line up for moving

Planted a few things for Bruce to enjoy:)

Pumpkins, cucumbers, morning glories, moonflowers, tomatoes and pole beans

There's a baby pumpkin now:)

Teeny tiny cucumber:)

Most of these are cypress vine volunteers from last years flowers and I planted a few morning glories 

May 18th....

I planted this Amaryllis outside last year after it had bloomed inside.

By mid April all the trees and bushes were in bloom. Spring has arrived in full force.

Mama and Morris....(Morris is from Mama's first litter)...No, Mama is not pregnant:( She is simply fed enough to discourage her from killing wildlife in the yard.

Belle spots a bird on the roof.

 Handsome Morris

Bruce working on my new archway!

Some seedlings coming up fast!

I have planted Pole Beans, Morning Glories, Moonflowers and Miniature pumpkins....All will climb the fence creating a beautiful Archway. Well, that's the plan anyway.

I have done some "Lasagna" composting through the winter. Here is a volunteer potato plant.

Pi and Baki

Christmas 2017

 Mama kitty and Pi 1 observing Christmas Tree action from outside....

Pi got hold of this ornament twice....
Image result for sad face


Mama and first generation Pi

Kitty's First Snow